Indonesia Single Origin - Sigarar Utang - Washed Process
After roasting beans from Africa and South and Central America in recent months Muttley & Jack are delighted to present their first coffee from Asia. Indonesia sits on the Pacific 'Ring of Fire' and is home to an increasing number of high quality speciality coffees.
Origin: Java Frinsa Estate, Weninggalih, Java, Indonesia
1400 meters above sea level on the island of Java in the Bandung Highlands you'll find the Java Frinsa Estate - a family run operation since 2011. Massive floods and landslides are a common problem during Indonesia's rainy season, where deforestation has left hilly areas vulnerable to erosion during destructive tropical rainfall. The government sees that coffee farming can be a smart option for reforestation. Through many NGOs, the authorities tried to encourage land use change from vegetables farming to coffee projects.
The farmer: Wildan Mustofa
Wildan Mustofa saw natural disasters happen year after year in his neighbourhood. The farmer always suffers the most. Previously a potato breeder and farmer himself, Wildan found his calling to help the other farmers.
He started his first coffee project at Sindangkerta, Weninggalih area in 2010. This later became his main growing area in Java Frinsa Estate. Since the first year of production, Wildan has aimed to focus on quality which requires meticulous attention and processes.
His idea was not instantly accepted by the locals. Producing palm sugar was the main source of living, but this was not enough to feed the whole family. Forcing the men to go to the cities to work as cheap construction workers earning less than USD 8 per day, while the women preferred to be migrant workers in foreign countries. Thus leaving the children “parentless” at home without proper adult supervision.
In early days, Wildan needed to “import” coffee pickers from a nearby area, Pengalengan, as the people in Sindangkerta were sceptical and reluctant to join the project. After a while they began to learn and understand how growing coffee could help them to improve their livelihoods and ensure their household needs. Slowly but surely mothers and fathers are returning back to the village and their children.
There is also a reason why Frinsa is using the white cotton bags instead of importing jute bags from India or Bangladesh. When the cherry-picking season ends, the women pickers can continue sewing the cotton bags and still earn a living.
Frinsa also focus on education. They donated a portion of their land in Mekarwangi village to build a high school for the community. Before when the children finished their elementary school, they had to walk around 10 km (one way) every day just to reach the nearest high school. Now they can continue their education in a much easier way.
This is a complex coffee with a lot of different flavours, some of which develop only weeks after the roast. It has sweetness, earthiness and herbal flavours with sweet tobacco and liquorice aromas that combine to deliver and sweet and savoury cup of coffee.
Cupping Score - 87
This is a fully washed coffee. After picking it is sorted by hand and pulped by machine (the skin and fruit pulp are removed from the coffee cherry) and then dried in the sun. In this image you can see the coffee being turned to make sure the beans dry evenly until 12% moisture remains.
Muttley & Jack's Coffee Roasters
Muttley & Jack’s is a prize winning coffee roastery based in Stockholm. Each month members receive a box of freshly roasted specialty grade coffee with an education pack to help coffee lovers and the coffee curious get more out of their coffee.
The 'Coffee Experience' packages together speciality coffee, travel and education.