Fika Heaven

Jack Ryan
July's Fika Heaven: Ginger & Rhubarb Biscuits

July's Fika Heaven: Ginger & Rhubarb Biscuits

Crunchy around the edge and soft and chewy as you get towards the middle! The ginger zing in these biscuits offers a nice contrast to the mellow almond and red berry notes of this months coffee.

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Jack Ryan
Colombian Single Origin - Caturra - Fully Washed

Colombian Single Origin - Caturra - Fully Washed

Similar to many coffees from Colombia this roast has a milk chocolatey character with hints of almond and cherry. What makes this coffee from Javier's farm stand out from the rest are the delicate acid notes of slightly acidic berries - like redcurrant and blackberry. This makes for an exciting flavour experience - the sweet and the sour notes in perfect balance for a smooth, complex taste.

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Jack Ryan
June's Fika Heaven: Walnut Tuiles

June's Fika Heaven: Walnut Tuiles

Crunchy and sweet with rich walnut and gentle cinnamon flavours these biscuits are the perfect complement to the vanilla, pear and apple flavours in this month’s coffee.

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Jack Ryan
Brazil Single orgin -  Tanque Pulped Natural

Brazil Single orgin - Tanque Pulped Natural

Aleci de Souza, has been working with coffee for more than 26 years and comes from a coffee family. Tanque is at an altitude of 1300m. The soil here is clay and there is an average annual rainfall of 1200-1600 mm, the harvest runs from June to September.

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