Ethiopian Single Origin - Heirloom - Yirgacheffe, Kochere- Fully Washed
A journey to Ethiopia - the ancestral homeland of coffee - and the famous Yirgacheffe region. This month we release an extraordinary coffee!
Origin: Kochere, Yirgacheffe
Our coffee come from the tiny village of Banko Gotiti, near the town of Kochere - itself in the region of Yirgacheffe. Yirgacheffe is a steep, green and fertile area of Ethiopia and most of the coffee is grown at 2000 meters or more above sea level. The region is both thickly forested and heavily populated with many smallholders growing what is known as "garden coffee"
The farms
The coffee is grown by around 650 local farmers - most of them on very small farms (the average size is less than 1 hectare) and organic by default. Their coffee is bought by the local washing station run by Alemu Bukato, where it is sorted, graded and processed. Mr Bukato's commitment to the coffee community is huge, from financial, to road construction to planting trees. Mr. Bukato does it all, and his passion and heritage are in the cup.
The flavour is deep and complex. One can find apricot and sweetness of sea-buckthorn as well as milk chocolate and juiciness of mandarins. There is an elegant mouthfeel to this cup and a nice lingering acidity.
This is a fully washed coffee. After picking it is sorted by hand and pulped by machine (the skin and fruit pulp are removed from the coffee cherry) and graded. It is then fermented under water for 48 hours, rinsed and soaked agin for 12-24 hours and then dried outdoors for 12-15 days.
Muttley & Jack's Coffee Roasters
Muttley & Jack’s is a prize winning coffee roastery based in Stockholm. Each month members receive a box of freshly roasted specialty grade coffee with an education pack to help coffee lovers and the coffee curious get more out of their coffee.
The 'Coffee Experience' packages together speciality coffee, travel and education.